take me back to the age of innocence

From what Anselm had said, life in Inferni would be rough. He'd been preparing himself for that. Sirius was already used to being by himself, as he'd left his first pack only a few weeks after leaving the den...but this place was so different from every other area he'd lived in before. He wasn't in his element. Sirius knew next to nothing about coyotes and hybrids, though he knew that he had some coyote in him. He hadn't really been around anyone who liked coyotes, either...so it would have been awkward to ask.

The young hybrid raised an eyebrow at the behaviour of the female in front of him, taking an unsteady step backwards. What was she doing? He'd never seen someone act this way before. "Are you's sick?" He demanded. Maybe there was something wrong with her--maybe she had a stomach ache or something. His father had always given him herbs whenever he'd gotten sick...but he didn't have any with him. "You're weird."


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