the forgotten one

He half-stood and stumbled back towards his heap of bedding, rolling onto his side. His breathing had slowed again, back to some almost-regular pattern of inhaling and exhaling, though it was still quicker than it should have been. Laruku still did not believe a word she said, but it was her voice that comforted him the most. The hybrid knew he had no friends. They were all dead or otherwise departed. All the people from once upon a time were gone, and he couldn't even remember their names or faces. Moments tossed to the wind, stolen away by time. People he'd cared about, people he'd despised. People he'd hurt, people who'd hurt him. There was no one left, really. Except his daughter's voice, floating in the white

He said nothing more, though he might have shifted his head to nod. Glazed over pink-red eyes stared straight ahead, passing over Jasper's bed to the wall beyond, seeing nothing still. He hated being taken care of.


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