under the city lights, i'm sinking
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_____“All of it. It's just a small dose,” she said with a faint smile. It was a small dose, but it was meant to buy time for someone who was much sicker than she was. “It'll take a few minutes for it to start doing anything, but you'll feel a lot better for a while.” But making Talitha feel safe was top priority at the moment, knowing that the days that had gone by had done little to make those who were much sicker any better or worse. She only hoped it was as slow acting as it had been.

_____“There isn't anything else that I should have a look at, is there? No cuts or scrapes bothering you?” Even at a first glance, the ones that were there were either obscured by fur or healing up okay but it didn't waver her concern any. Looks were deceiving and as it were, they were all very good at being deceiving creatures. Maybe once she started to feel better, Corona would try and get her to eat something. If not that, at least drink something. Anything that would give her enough energy to rest better.


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