a most deep and subtle poison
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_____He was incredibly used to the awkward air that turned up in his company. It didn't matter if it was someone he had just met or someone he had known for years, there was always some point in their conversation that Laurel could find a way to drive everything into an awkward corner. Maybe it because he had been driven into so many in his time that it had simply become second nature to do it without thinking. “Well, I've been a traveller more of my life than not, so I've been apart of more than one. That's what we are pretty much, travellers. Come to a place and settle down for a while, leave when we get bored or forced.”

_____As if that needed explaining, though. Better safe than sorry, anyway. “But the group I'm apart of right now just settled a while ago. Maybe a couple of weeks, I've kind of lost track of the time already. It was just myself and another, but others have come along and settled with us.” Whether or not they followed him when he decided to leave for greener pastures was anyone's guess. He doubted it for some of them, being connected to family and all. It seemed like a lot of folks were related to one another in that area. Nice little backwoods place, right? “What's Inferni like?”


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