under the city lights, i'm sinking
I have this mental picture of these two playing with a jigsaw puzzle and no idea where it came from. *dies*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____She nodded when the girl mentioned her name, knowing both about her and her brother. Though she didn't know a whole lot about them, she knew that they were spitting images of Gabriel. Twins, she figured, very much like she had Molochai had once been. She missed that particular brother a lot, but it was the bond she had forged with Gabriel that meant so much more. He had been through even more than she had and still took her in despite how different they really were.

_____“Do you want to come back to the mansion with me for a while?” was her next question, still offered with a smile. It wasn't like she had something there to eat, but something to drink could have been arranged. Even a warm place to curl up for a while, to let the world go by without worry. It was the first safe place that came to Corona's mind, mostly because it was where she had been hiding out during the night. But she thought maybe there was something they could do there. Or maybe she'd just want Gabriel instead of wandering around with some creepy just-met aunt.


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