one day fly over me

While the wind was against Ayegali, it was an agent of her younger brother’s. He caught her painfully familiar scent — overlaid plainly over the unfamiliarity of the area — and quickly darted his dark eyes to where it led from to find her. It wasn’t hard; though her dark body was beginning to disappear into the oncoming dusk, he had little trouble picking her and her horse up before she caught sight of him and called his name. He didn’t reply at first, trying to decipher which, out of many, emotion he should take. Since they had to leave home, he had become increasingly moody, and had often kept aloof from his friends and family. After his Journey, however, he had imagined himself out of that rut. He was overjoyed to see his sister, yes. But there were a dozen and one different conflicting emotions that combated that simple one.

In the end, Itsihnalv simply remained mostly neutral. He waved in greeting, murmuring to the horse at his side lowly and lengthening his pace to meet up with his older sister. When he was in introductory range, he dipped his head and lost some of the rigidness of his posture for respect for his sister and chief. “Ayegali,” he greeted in response, his dark eyes flickering to her face and away a moment later. “I thought I’d head ahead of the rest, to meet up with you. They are not far behind, however.” He had felt the need to explain himself — although she didn’t seem to be anything but happy to see him — and so he did. He shifted his weight to his other leg, frowning slightly. “There are many other Luperci here,” he observed, his low voice slightly nervous. Perhaps Itsihnalv had never truly gotten used to the idea of other werewolves outside the tribe. It was they, though in a massive generalization, that had killed his parents, after all.

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