come together.

in character

It didn't take long at all for a familiar face to meander towards the both of them, and suddenly Khaden felt as giddy as a schoolgirl. His tail wagged, slowly at first, but then faster the closer and closer Laurel got to them before he nodded at his words. Giving a glance to his new mate before turning back to the coyote, grinning all the same, the first time he had truly felt happy in the whole duration of his life.

He shrugged his shoulders though, and responded easily. "Well, y'see. Twilight Vale and Shadowed Sun disbanded. So in essence, we're homeless." With his free hand, he scratched behind his ear, surrendering the speech now. He didn't quite know if Laurel had known this little fact, and he was sure as hell that he could figure out if the two packs disbanded, why the both of them were here. Khaden was ultimately a pack wolf, living to serve the rest of the society.

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