when nobody's watching
You're quick. o:

There had been a part of him that believed he didn’t belong anywhere, but that had changed, as many other things had over the last few months. His father had once called Inferni home along with so many of his half siblings, and Faolin was there, along with her mate and their kids. Jesile knew he would eventually go back and plead his case that he deserved to return to their ranks. He could see no reason why they wouldn’t let him. The only thing that had stood between himself and the clan since he had left so many months ago was the memory of his father and his desire to find him again. Everything that had gone wrong (which was not much; he had lived a relatively easy life) had done so because he felt the need, for whatever reason, to wander away from what was good. Whatever those reasons had been, the issue didn’t seem to linger there anymore.
There had also been a part of him that hadn’t believed he was good enough, and he had never understood it. However, in the time that he had been gone, his confidence had exploded with enormous ferocity that was only visible on his own radar. He had imprisoned himself for so long under the weight of his thousands of insecurities that he could finally breathe. Paranoia and worry had evaporated and finally left him alone. He could walk there along the beach and linger in the shadows without looking over his shoulder and cowering at the slightest change in environment. His own mind had been his judge, jury and executioner. Finally, this was no longer the case.
It happened in a split second. Although he was quite alert, the withdrawn figure he came to startled him more than anything else possibly could have. The moment he caught sight of her, he doubled back his gaze. Her appearance made it no question as to who she was, but how could she be here? Even then, why was she away from Inferni? Talitha? He squinted slightly as he addressed her, even though he could see perfectly well. His voice emerged as a hoarse whisper which also shocked him. Maybe he thought speaking any louder would shatter the darkness. Maybe it was only because he hadn’t used his voice in so long. His features smoothed and he gazed at her calmly for the first time. She probably didn’t know who he was.

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