a most deep and subtle poison
End soon? Big Grin
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____It sounded like Inferni itself was a bit more expansive than Esper Hollow. But Laurel figured it would be if it were some central hub for coyotes. As spaced out and solitary as they were even in family groups, one family could stake a claim that was miles by miles wide. “Well, kind of south of this place and west of the city is where the little camp is that I'm set up in. If you ever get curious, you should wander down and see what we're up to.” He really doubted that anyone would honestly care and if they did, well, he'd make sure things went over smoothly. Though so far no one had really cared much about the gypsy band's existence and as far as he knew, nothing had happened to them at all so far. A few curious questions here and there, maybe a nose being poked around in another place.


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