How'd it get this far?

I wasn't aware Phoenix knew that Phasma had spoken to anyone.

indentIt seemed that she'd been correct in assuming that Phoenix would be at his den, he now had a rather large family to care for, and when he moved from inside she greeted him with a very faint nod. There was a strange look on her face, something embedded in the back of her aging eyes. It was concern mostly, something swirling about inside that could almost feel the potential danger that was looming in the distance. She didn't like the feeling of the fate of Storm hanging on the shoulders of a wolf who wasn't even a pack member. He spoke and she nodded, noting the tone of his voice in comparison to how he usually sounded. It was odd, really.

indentThey'd moved a good distance away by the point that he'd begun to speak and, as always, the raven woman paid close attention to what was said. As the words continued, though, Phasma's steps slowed to a stop and a different look soon took over her features. It was anger, hurt even, and she scoffed. "I came here to help Phoenix. I did what any good Alpha would do. I didn't go running around announcing to the world that you're a horrid Alpha. I went to get both sides of the story, to hear what was done and why, and I came to my own conclusions about what happened." She paused then, taking control of an anger that she hadn't felt before. "And I came to talk to you about it. If you can't appreciate that, the way that I do things, then I'm not sure why I'm here."


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