against all odds.

out of character


in character

Cercelee's words soothed him immensely, and as he caught her gaze, watching her and realizing that everything was going to be okay. He trusted the alabaster leader, not only in her intimate relationship with Ember, but as a personal friend that he found. He knew what he needed to say, but he was too afraid to say it, too afraid of facing the fact that maybe he was too young, maybe Ember was too young, how could he be able to protect her, and other miscellaneous problems that seemed to arise in the logical mind. Nonetheless, taking a large intake of breath he presented himself, arms open, paws outstretched almost surrendering this information to Cercelee. "Cercelee, I have something to ask of you."

Taking one glance to the left, and another glance to the right before nodding internally, realizing that this was something that he truly believed in with all of his heart and soul, oblivious to the fact that he may be dramatizing it just a bit. "I've spent much of my time with Ember lately, both as a protector, a provider, and more importantly, a best friend. And the more and more I spend time with her, I realize that I'm truly beginning to fall in love with her." Which brings him to the next point. Shit what was the next point? Scrambling around in his head as he hesitated, clearing his throat for a moment before jumping back onto the bandwagon and taking in Cercelee again in his jumbled up presentation. "Uh, which brings me to the next point..." He was stalling, and he knew it. Just say it. "I ask your permission to mate Ember Phoenix."

See, it wasn't that hard was it? Really now, it's not as if Khaden didn't feel all of two inches tall.

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