something like a silhouette

the road goes and i am finding home in it

Even now, the small male could hear his stomach gurgling with hunger. The thought of it was simply decadent - he had to have something to eat. And if this female would offer him something that was stored away in this big den, this mansion as she called it, it was bound to be something exciting. The small male bounded up beside Naniko again as she stood at the base of the stairs, and he looked down at them, remembering the climb he had made to reach the top. It wasn't so much perilous as it had been tiring. He couldn't remember if he had even done it himself - it was possible that the female had carried him up, maybe he just grew tired from looking at all of the stairs. Or perhaps he actually did climb up all of them. He couldn't remember. Whatever it was, it had simply tuckered him out.
"These?" He asked, looking up at her. "This is no problem!" The small male hadn't seen worse - perhaps the steepest incline he had to scale, and deepest decline he had to climb from, would have been the den entrance that gently sloped upward. But then again, there were lots of rocks around the den, he could have climbed those a few times with his siblings. Yeah. Maybe. Dismissing those thoughts, the brown pup grinned widely at Naniko before looking back at the stairs. Tentatively he reached out, touched one, and clambered onto it. Satisfied with the result and the safety of it all, Odebeh continued this, picking up speed as he moved down the staircase.
Finally, once he reached the bottom (it took him a minute or so to actually get down all of them) he looked back up at Naniko. "Are you coming Nani?"


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