sweet and sour
Firefly had moved away from the packlands to find something new and different to explore. She tried to stay away from the scents of the other packs and make due with what the wide span of unclaimed lands had to offer. In her eyes it really wasn 't much except more dirt to walk upon and sand and shores to see the sea. Her emotions were all locked up tight in a box where they belonged, except for the rage and hatred that boiled inside, setting her nerves on end and her temper flairing. She was lucky she'd escaped the eyes of the packs so far.

Today she'd been padding underneith the maple trees, the leaves above slowly changing from the deep green to the soft yellows, orange and crimson. Just the beginnings of the majestic change was taking place but she really didn't care right now. The beauty of it all was lost on the soul of the youth. She didn't know which way was up and which way was down but she did know one thing, that she was still alive and so was the bastard that had rampaged her dreams and shattered the world she knew. That alone ruined what she could have enjoyed.

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