Would you promise to be true?
awe, I love these two ;3
wc 425

After those last words left her lips, she felt more exposed and vulnerable than she ever had. She had never had feelings like this for another, and the fear that he might not care about her in the same way was paralyzing. The dark female had prepared herself to hear the worst. She thought that was all she could expect. No one but Kansas had ever taken an interest in her before. Savina had no confidence that she was indeed attractive or desirable to the other sex. In her insecure state it seemed obvious that he hadn't been serious in liking her.

But then something she was not expecting happened. He came and sat in front of her, his hand gently touching her chin to bring her face to his. She saw the sorrow and self loathing in his beautiful sapphire eyes. As he spoke she hung on his every word as though her life depended on it. In some ways it did. Her heart lifted as she listened to the story. It was before her, before they had spent that wonderful afternoon together. Some might not have believed him when he said that if it weren't for the alcohol it wouldn't have happened, but she did. His eyes told her the truth, and the truth was he felt awful about this.

But perhaps the thing that shocked her the most was what Kansas said last. He had been thinking about her since they met? Of course, she had been thinking about him constantly as well, though she never necessarily expected the same of him. That was all she needed. The sable girl buried her face in his chest. Tears continued to fall down her face, but now they were tears of joy. "Kansas, I was so afraid...so afraid that you didn't care about me." She knew that she was falling in love with him, there were no two ways about it. Even though she had never been in love before she knew. "I've been thinking about you all the time too."

There was one last thing that she needed to cover about this though. Savina trusted him, that wasn't it really. It was what alcohol did to perfectly good wolves that she didn't trust. Kansas said that he never would have done those things if he had been sober, and she knew that the same was true of Naniko as well. "Can you make me a promise? That you won't drink again? I'll promise the same to you. I never want to hurt you."


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