down to rest
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_____“I'm sure it will,” she assured him, not seeing why it wouldn't. “They all seem to feel a little bit better in knowing that someone is around.” But then again, most of the time they didn't know who was there and who wasn't. Sometimes they just cried anyway, talked words that made no sense and made sounds. Corona often found herself having a hard time deciding whether or not they were asleep and dreaming or just lying there with their eyes shut. “I just hope that I find out what it is that's wrong with them. I know they're suffering through it right now even when we give them things,” and she didn't want to lose them either, so knowing that they still felt pain and still complained about it meant that they were just that more alive instead of slipping away into more comatose states. Save for Jasper, who seemed like he was in more of a coma than not most of the time.


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