when nobody's watching
He didn’t know what else to say. There was no way he could convince her on his own that he wasn’t who she was afraid he might be, or that he cared about her even though she probably couldn’t begin to imagine why. This left him helpless as he stood there before her, reasoning within himself that there was no way he could to leave her there alone, but grappling with the idea of staying and causing her further or extended discomfort. Soon enough, his answer arrived in an unusual form, and one he could not have anticipated.
The coyote’s reaction to the impending collision of bodies gave him time to recognise just who had launched herself toward him. His mind did not follow in real time. With every fashioned slow motion second he created he thought he could feel happiness surging out of control and into his body, receiving it from some foreign outlet in the universe that had been obstructed for a long time now. He was electrified and his nerves were ignited, but he allowed her to bowl him over quite obligingly, and to squash him to the ground. Jesile laughed.
The minute I let my guard down I’m attacked by friendly fire, he grinned, finally pulling himself to his haunches and giving his sister’s shoulder a rough nudge with his nose. His eyes could have lit the sky if the darkness had not already begun to fade.
There were a thousand questions scattering the expanse of his mind that he had intended to ask Faolin when she returned, but Talitha’s presence kept his mouth firmly shut. She had obviously gone through some traumatic experience, and reliving it just now would do her no favours. Right now, all that mattered was that Faolin was here, and she had managed to smooth out a whole lot in just a few abrupt seconds.

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