take apart your demons

S'all good.

By then, Laruku was fairly certain that he was not going to die. He wasn't sure he particularly cared, either. Or at least, he didn't at that particular moment. There was no one standing over him in the fog accusing him of things, and there was no one kneeling next to him, telling him that nothing was his fault. In between, he felt little and cared little. Everything was the same. The flames didn't matter and whoever it was beside him was mostly irrelevant. A faceless stranger in the night, someone he may or may not ever see again. Everyone's dying, he replied simply, We're dying since they day we're born. Every day we're one step closer. It was, after all, something inevitable. Even if ghosts continued to exist after that.

You're dying too, he continued, Maybe not from this, but I'm not either. Probably. The hybrid shifted slightly to turn towards the other, though his eyes continued to see nothing.


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