two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl.
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She had curled up in the den, firmly resolute in not leaving Inferni for the next while — going to the shore elsewhere had proved that everyone was following her or watching her, which was both a blessing and kind of annoying — to think about things, but really, thinking and Talitha Lykoi didn't seem to be all too compatible of late. Andrezej still loomed in the dark crevices of her mind, haunting her in his own knowing manner. Of course, the dead man was probably already rotting in his clay enclosure, but she didn't want to think so much about the fact that he was dead. It was a little more terrifying, the sounds of his yowls and the scent of his overwhelming blood. Truly, she didn't want a lot to do with any memories.

She supposed it was God's way of telling her she should have stayed with her mother and Ezekiel, but even then, God wasn't being a very good Protector. She deserved it, but she couldn't understand His plans, either. Her dad knew about that stuff; she knew the barest bones.

The wolfish head that poked into the den was greeted with a toothy grin, and she slowly stood up. She didn't normally take to her Lupus form, but lying in the den was much more comfortable when she could flop onto her side, so for once she had chosen it. The smell of blood — strange blood — filled the air, and for a moment she was alarmed, but Anselm wouldn't have killed anyone without reason. The source soon enough became evident as she tilted her head to the side to observe the strange looking creature with teeny legs on the ground, dead.

Could it even walk away? she questioned, pulling herself away from the den just a little to get a better look.


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