cancer for the cure; J

What percent of your character is coyote?

Rain seemed to be the only thing the heavens felt like making any more, and Anselm couldn't recall the last time they'd had sunny skies for two consecutive days or more. The rivers had swollen considerably and threatened to spill over their banks, but all of Inferni was situated on a hill so he wasn't particularly worried. Maybe the terrain offered them a tactical advantage, but it also offered a welcome amount of protection against floods, too.
Mud squished between his toes as he moved along and got kicked up to cover the lower parts of his legs. He ignored it and pressed on, as he'd scented some kind of foreigner very near the borders. A bolt of lightning illuminated the area behind the strange canine, and Anselm moved forward directly, tail and ears erect. "Something interesting going on up there?" he asked, wondering why on earth the stranger wasn't paying more attention to what was going on at ground level. That was most always where the action was.

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