HomeComing (Queen)

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ans serif;font-size:11px;line-height:11px; color:#0f2034; padding:4px; margin-bottom:120px; text-align:justify;">
Word count: 414

Mew had heard her alphess' howl, and she had dropped the carcass of a large hare that she was devouring at the time to leap in the sound's direction. Unfortunately, she was at the harbor, and the sound made it clear that Cercelee was not close to her. Mew had wondered where the rosea had gone, but seeing as her communication with Haku faltered more than often, and most of the other high ranked members had disappeared she had asked no one. She had heard rumours of her position and the reason for it, but she had decided not to meddle. Cer was not an unreasonable soul, and although the leader had less active in decisionmaking regarding the war and its consequences than Mew would have wished she'd been, the white Ilex held no grudges. It would be good to see her again, and it was nice to know that she had returned. Haku had dissolved in thin air lately; she'd not been able to get hold of him, nor find anyone who had. Perhaps Firefly knew, but Mew did not like her, and would not seek her out.

White legs beat at the ground as she ran, in her four-legged form today. After meeting Lubomir again,she somehow had this strange warm feeling towards being in this form. It was strange, and she felt silly thinking about it, so she tried not to. The smell of her long lost Rosea grew stronger all the while she was running, and at last she saw her, surrounded by newer members that she had barely spoken to or even seen or met, and a stranger from another pack. Without hesitation, Mew walked steadily up to the leader and put her face and neck around her neck, carefully so it would not hurt her (it was obvious that she had been hurt there), speaking words for only her to hear. Good to have you back, Cer. I've missed you. She was not embarrased to show her joy at Cer's return. Haku was not a fit leader, and she was glad that the true rosea had returned at mostly the same time that Haku had disappeared. Hopefully his meddling was over for a while. Her rank was high, higher than it had been when Cer disappeared, and so she stood proudly beside the alphess, not caring whether people would see it as rude. She was sure the leader would understand it as what it was. Support, and greeting.


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