dancing in the dark

You know, i see they've already titled you up, but i'm really enjoying our thread Smile

"No, ma'am." She smiled lightly. She liked this male. He was polite. So many times, folks lost sight of what was polite to do what they wanted. Her eyes twinkled impishly as she teased the male. "You weren't even going to ask how I got injured?" She chuckled, then wished she hadn't. The laughter hurt her ribs badly. She let out a slow breath, and sobered up a little. Pain. What a wonderful reminder that all is not right with the world.
"Bascially I need to know a little about you. I need to know why you think Phoenix Valley is the pack for you. What can you bring to the pack? What makes you stand out above the rest?" She smiled again. "Shouldn't be too hard."


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