four months of darkness
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_____Eventually he gave in to the desire to drink from the cool water of the stream, once again rising and craning his neck low to the surface of the water. Though it was disturbed because it was constantly moving, he could catch scant glimpses of himself and noted just how much older it was that he looked. One of those days, it would be his turn to venture out and find his so-called spirit guide, that Tawodi truly wondered what it would be. Hopefully not something stupid, like a bug or some weak animal that was supposed to be some representation of himself.

_____The wind shifted through the trees and on it came a voice that he hadn't heard in a quite some time. Maybe it had been a few days or a couple of weeks, the time didn't really matter, but it was a voice that he had been wanting to hear. “Ayegali?” he questioned quietly, but started up the muddy about as quickly as he could go on all four feet. Despite slipping each way along the sloping creek bed walls, he eventually spotted the dark-haired leader and her horse and called out at her. “Ayegali!” From there on out it was merely all tail wags and grins, though he couldn't help but proudly puff out his chest in her sight.

_____“I knew I'd find you!”


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