We could have had the SUN


Deuce had know this was coming soon. Iskata had told her Naniko had wanted them there. Deuce was here as promised. She wouldn't abandon a friend, even if she should have been home, waitiing for her broken ribs to mend. She knew the fever was slowly rising. Ahren's injuries he'd given her were becoming infected. She'd care for them the best she coud and keep them wrapped tightly.
Naniko moved to the closet, and Deuce realized it was time. She followed, kneeling in the doorway. She, too, had delivered in the smallest form and knew how much it hurt. She laid a hand on naniko's side, well out of reach of flashing fangs. Wolves in pain sometimes didn't pay attention to friend or foe ideals. "You're doing fine, naniko. Just relax and let your body do it's work."


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