We could have had the SUN

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.

Deuce didn't even notice the other joining her in the room as she concentrated on Naniko and what was going on with her. She was right there to ease each pup out as it came, evn the smaller, stillborn ones. She gazed at the two small ones as naniko brought them to her, picking them up. As she'd expected they were already cold, but she started rubbng the chest of the female, hoping to jump-start her heart. After what seemd like an eternity, she set the tiny girl down.
Softly she spoke to Naniko. "Sometimes, in order for the healthier pups to survive, the body will not allow the runt of the litter to get the sustenance to survive. That was what happened with my first litter. I had one healthy pup, Dierdre, and two stillborn pups. It's not uncommon, much as I wish it were." Her mind went to killane, Shadow's smaller brother who'd only lived for a day before succumbing to the illness that had taken him away.
She turned to the rest. "Four pups. Two boys and two girls." She gave Iskata a warm smile, then included the rest of the asseblage in it.


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