Take these broken wings and learn to FLY
a bit of PP, lemme know if want changed, etc...

After her limbs had carried her a good distance from the others her pace slowed to allow Ehno and Kansas to catch up. Her brother's teasing caught her ears and she turned to face him, emerald eyes sparkling. "Forse se lei era più veloce che non dovrei preoccuparsi di dimentica." She teased back, tail happily waving in the air. He was still a little ways from her, so she playfully charged towards him, only skidding to a stop at the last moment. The Italian girl then jumped and nipped at one of the chocolate hued male's ears. Every time she was around her brother it brought out the pup in her again.

Only a few seconds later the cream form of Kansas joined them and she walked over to him and touched her nose to his. Savina knew her skin was flushing with red as she turned back to Ehno, luckily her midnight pelt hid it. "Ehno, this is Kansas. Kansas, this is my brother, Ehno." It filled the slender femme's heart with joy that she was able to introduce the two males in her life that she cared for the most. When she had first started to fall for the Sadira boy she had been certain she'd never be able to have him meet her brother. But now that she was able to it was as great a joy as anything.

"Well, I guess we should start our task then!" Walking in front of the two she began to mark out the borders of their new territory. She had to admit, this made her feel a bit self conscious doing this in front of others, especially Kansas. But she did her best to swallow her pride and embarrassment and continue the job at hand.


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