Would you promise to be true?
Hehe, no problem! Shall we wrap this one up in the next few posts? Maybe end it with them walking back to the mansion. Then we can start the last one before he asks Ehno for permission to mate her! Big GrinD
wc 446

The gift was so thoughtful, and so very unexpected. It was also so perfect for her. The dark fey loved the ocean so much. It was where she went when she needed to think, or just wanted to admire the beauty of it. The ocean had returned her brother to her, and the ocean had brought her here. To him. To everything she loved about this place. He couldn't have found her anything more fitting. Though she would've adored anything from him. The wide smile on his face filled her heart with warmth. Kansas was such a kind soul, that was one of the reasons she was so attracted to him. "That was so nice of you Kansas! I like it so much!"

It felt so wonderful when he embraced her smaller form. Savina had always hated being vulnerable in front of males, due to her sire. She had grown up forcing herself to be strong, never wanting to show weakness in front of them. She knew how much Serge had hurt her mother, and refused to let one do the same to her. So part of her was nervous about being so open with the cream male. But when he hugged her like that those feelings washed away. Kansas was nothing like Serge. He wouldn't do that to her. That's what she had to keep telling herself when those fears came up.

He eagerly jumped up to place the necklace around her neck. The girl had never really been "taken care of" by a male. Her brother was the one possible exception, but that was it. Her father had never cared after her. Maybe she had never given one the chance before now. But this felt nice. She trusted him. Sure, Kansas had dark parts to his past, but so did she. So did everyone. The chain settled lightly against hurt fur and her tail swept the ground behind her. When Kansas moved back in front of her again, his sapphire orbs were so bright and happy. You are so beautiful. These words had much the same effect as the last time he had said them to her, even more so. She moved forward and put her face against his. "You make me feel beautiful." Her accented voice was soft, but full of emotion. He was the only one who truly made her feel that.

Sable head pulled back and licked his muzzle, emerald eyes shimmering. "Let's go home Kansas. Maybe you can read me some more poetry?" Savina felt so bonded to him now. There was something special between them, it was undeniable. This was an auspicious beginning for them, she just knew it.


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