you see all my light, and you love my dark

Alexey shrugged nonchalantly as her friend confirmed her assumption. They were talking about the same guy, no doubt about it. However, his motives didn't intrigue her as much as they intrigued Kol. Maybe he was nothing but a good samaritan on a quest for world peace. Okay, so that theory was a little unrealistic, but it saved her the headache of trying to figure out what the hell his deal really was.

She mirrored the yearling's smile as the conversation shifted to another topic. Adelaida. It reminded her that she still needed to pay her sister a visit. The Koios sisters were mad at each other, yes, but Alexey couldn't stand not knowing how her littermate was fairing. How Kol had gotten wind of their confrontation was a mystery too, one that she chose to ignore for the time being. "Don't worry about it, and you better like having me around because I'm not going anywhere." she stated firmly, before nipping at her best friend's ear.

"I ran into someone special a few days ago. I thought he was pretty handsome." Her smiled widened as she continued her riddle, not waiting for a reply. "You wanna know why? Because he looked just like you, Kol." she teased, amused by her own little game. Lowering her voice, as if she held some kind of top secret information, the little she-wolf carried on. "He went by the name of Aiden Oriel. Ring a bell?"

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