You're more than in my head

out of character

Bleh, I didn't know how you wanted this to turn out.

in character

He could hear his voice echo slightly through the dampening house, and snuffled a bit at it's response. Picking his way through the foyer and into the house, he then heard the reply. Light, feminine and familiar. With a cocked head and furrowed brows, Khaden pushed his way towards the direction of the voice, towards the kitchen. He knew that voice, and it took a bit to recognize it but soon enough the name appeared in his head and on his lips. "Naniko?" He called blindly, unsure if it was a hit or a miss.

He trotted his way into the kitchen, his secui form brushing warily against the walls as he went, peering in to find, if he could, the source of his voice that sounded so much like his... ex-sister-in-law? "It's me, Khaden." He voiced, a little bit uncertain now that he continually closed in onto the space.

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