shine on, you crazy diamond.

Rawr. And btw, I love Handlebars by Flobots <3 Oh! and does Anslem know that Ryan is his daughter yet? Cause Savina would probably want to ask >.>
wc 313

This dead city still gave the she wolf a bad feeling. Something about it just felt so wrong to her. Maybe it was her "natural" upbringing, or maybe it was the generations of fear of humans that had bred into wild canines. Either way it made her uneasy. Still, she forced herself inside its boundaries, on a mission to explore. After all, she was a leader now, and if someone needed something from this place she might need to go get it. So Savina figured she might as well try to get acquainted with the place sooner rather than later.

Her unshifted form moved through the various empty streets and alleyways. Silver chain with the pink shell dangled back and forth from her neck as she moved. That sense of eeriness was creeping up her spine, making her nervous. It was empty. There was the occasional mouse or rat every now and then, but that was it. The place reeked of death and decay, of broken stone and steel. Even though the city was empty as could be, the femme couldn't shake the feeling that something or someone was watching her. She'd constantly stop in her tracks and swivel her ears around, searching for any sound of movement. Emerald orbs darted back and forth across the cityscape.

As she shuffled warily down the road her eyes caught a glimpse of gold from the periphery. Limbs stopped and sleek head turned to take in the form down the street. Nose lightly sniffed the air to try and catch the other's scent. He looked a bit different, and his back was to her, but she was fairly certain it was him. "Anslem?" Her accented voice called out. At another time she might've walked up to him, but her paranoia induced by this place held her body to wait and make sure it was indeed him.


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