stones in the road

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The little flicker of light ignited the larger branches, eating away at the dead flesh and growing stronger by the second. Placing her hands towards the orange glow she felt it heat. It would soon travel through the cave, drying them off and chasing the chill from their bodies. But it seemed like Savina was still unsure, her reaction to the flame was one of fear and confusion. Anu gave a small comforting smile, hoping to ease her fear, “My father always told me; fire can be either a kitten or a lion. Small, soft and purring, or large, ferocious and roaring. We just need a kitten tonight. “ Looking from the fire, she hoped to ease any thoughts of anything getting out of control, she wouldn’t let it get that big.

Crossing her legs, Anu settled by her friend, think about her last question. “Good, the pups are healthy and growing.” She paused, she was never sure who knew what and how they felt about it. If Naniko had told Savi they were together, it seemed like the black shewolf didn’t care. Everyone had different reactions to their nontraditional relationship. But, the last thing she would be was ashamed or embarrassed; “Nani and I are mates, if you couldn’t guess.” Sometimes she just need to say it out loud, and her voice held a light laugh in it. ”I never know who knows.”


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