when nobody's watching
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She remained quiet in her position on the sand, her ears turned back at the exchange. Normally, Talitha would have laughed at such a spectacle, but times weren't normal anymore; they never really had been. God Above had not saved her from an attack by an uncle, and here was another uncle. Was she expected to trust uncles? Her eyes narrowed a small bit at the question that ricocheted off the darkened sides of her mind and disappeared into her memory, because at that moment a tongue swiped the backside of her ear and she flinched a small bit, but managed to smile shyly nonetheless.

It wasn't like her, but it was the best she could manage. Hi. And that was it; she didn't know what to say to a man she hadn't seen since she was a baby, and didn't remember at all. Knowing that he knew who she was when she could barely remember him was also uncomfortable, but the young woman would probably get over that someday. That was, of course, the way of life. Her eyes didn't leave the lemon of his own for a moment as she probed into him for answers; first and foremost being, naturally, "can I trust you?"


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