stones in the road

hehe :3
wc 344

A soft smile graced her lips at her friend's comforting words. If there was one thing she knew, it was that Kansas was a very kind wolf. He had done some bad things in the past, but who hadn't? They had made promises to each other to help avoid doing any harm to one another. "Thank you. He is very kind. No one's ever treated me like he has. We'll work through everything together. Clumsy as the effort may be." There was a bit of a laugh at that last sentence. If there was one thing about the both of them, they were a bit clumsy when it came to this. They were finally getting their emotions together though. Their first serious physical encounter still worried her however. It wasn't much, but he did have more experience than she did, and it made her more self conscious than usual.

It relieved the wolfess to know that what was discussed this night would not reach the ears of the ivory leader. It made her sad too though. She wanted to share a talk such as this one with Nani as well...but she couldn't. What was worse, she had no idea why Naniko reacted as she had. Savina had her guesses though, and they hurt her to her core. Ears folded back, she looked into Anu's eyes, her own jade orbs full of sadness. "I have told her. And she...she didn't react like I thought she would. I thought she'd be really happy, since we're so close and Kansas is like a brother to her. But...she wasn't. She wasn't unhappy, but she wasn't excited like I thought she'd be..." It was the first the dark femme had talked about this disappointment to anyone. She clutched her legs to her chest and her gaze turned to the flames, unshed tears beginning to build behind her eyes. "I...I don't think Nani thinks I'm good enough for him..." And there it was. The main fear that had been tearing at her insides after her talk with her best friend.


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