stones in the road

wc 368

As she listened to the words of her companion, her fingers began to play with the fur on her legs. This was the same action she had done while she was contemplating things after her encounter with Conri. It was a sort of "safety blanket" for the onyx girl. Almost as if she were giving herself the same sort of embrace or touch that she might receive from a loved one.

She hoped that Anu was right. That Naniko was just being protective over her younger brother. That that, plus the stress and hormones brought on by her pregnancy and labor were simply making her a bit off. Surely that must be it, right? Her fears weren't all gone, but these words made her feel a bit better. "I hope you're right." She wasn't sure if this was the right time, but honestly she didn't care at the moment. Moving closer towards the older female, she wrapped her arms around her, like a child to a mother. The spoken words had comforted her, but she wanted the physical comfort as well. This had been eating at her for days now. She hadn't wanted to tell Kansas for fear of how he might react, considering his old feelings for the Commander.

"Yes. I've never felt more worthwhile than when I'm with him." Accented voice spoke softly. Savina had never really expected to ever feel the way she did toward a male. Not after the whole history of what Serge had done to her and all her family. Yet Kansas was able to make her feel more comfortable than she'd ever been with another male aside from her brother. He was the one she wanted to be with, there was no question of that within her mind.

Now that that was over, she felt somewhat guilty for laying this on Anu. After all Naniko was her mate. Her intention hadn't been to make the alabaster wolfess look or sound bad. "I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that. I wasn't even really thinking about it." She hoped that this conversation hadn't made her friend feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to put any strain on the relationship between the mates.


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