but it was the best times

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173 ... header.jpg); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#162022;">

sharksI understand, he said solemnly, though he didn't turn back to her. Arkham liked to think he understood a lot of things, but more than that he understood it was likely his youthful naivete that continued to let him believe that. He understood why his brother had been killed. He understood very well that the death had only been a matter of time and that it had been promised since the day of Andre's exile, perhaps even before then. He understood that Gabriel needed to protect his clan against all that threatened it, even if it was a relative. What he didn't understand was why Andre had always been the way he had been and why it never seemed like anything could have been done. What he didn't understand was why he had to be so helpless. Or maybe he did and just didn't want to accept it.

sharksI wish I understood why some people turn out the way they do. I wonder if it's just random, or if it's in the blood. Maybe we all end up crazy in the end. It was his biggest fear, but the older he got and the more he learned, the easier it was to believe. Arkham felt too distant and too attached at the same time. He was one of them, but he wasn't. He desperately wanted his family back, but he didn't. What was there to want from them?


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