Bury me six feet under.

     Orright, next reply I'll have Hybrid or Sam infect her in my next post. Big Grin

i heard they say the boy's missing

     It almost seemed as though the girl had given up and accepted her fate. She twisted and wiggled, trying to squirm away from the fight, but did not lash out or attempt to strike them for a few moments. Although it would have been amusing to think the girl had given up, Hybrid did not believe she was going to just lay there and twitch. No, she was most likely in shock, from suddenly being kicked to attacked and mauled. He doubled the ferocity of his attacks, knowing he only had a short time before the wolf came to her senses and started to attack back.

     The wolf squirmed again, moving her body so her side was bared perfectly to Hybrid. He lunged at her, digging his teeth into her side, attempting to rip her skin apart and spill her innards about on the sand. Soon enough, she began to move more, this time actually attacking. She lashed out, nearly striking Samael. Hybrid could see the other male move back, and Hybrid attempted to attack the girl while she was distracted. But she kept moving, and Hybrid was forced to move back. Her claws caught on some of his fur, yanking a small chunk out, leaving a small cut on his shoulder. Hybrid snarled, then attacked again, with renewed ferocity. He tried to grab a hold of her foreleg, attempting to rip it right off. Those little claws of hers were becoming a bit of a nuisance. He was about to bite down and attempt to snap it off when he saw Corona move, grabbing the female's muzzle between her hands. He switched tactics and attacked the girl again, aiming for her side.

Table by Mel!

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