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Corona, Bonefire. Dated 12/14.
indent On the wall an old painting stood out, detailing primitive man’s hunting patterns. Ahren had seen it before—a long time ago when times had been easier. He and Matinee had come across this cave, talked about the primate oddities, and then went off with hot blood in their veins. They had completely forgotten about finding the flag; hell, Ahren couldn’t remember if the game ever had a winner. It seemed like ancient past though, all the things that had happened between then and now.
indent His feet carried him without direction, though instinct and memory took him to a specific cave. It was here that all of the alphas had once met, and had met for years before they had. The ashes of a long-forgotten fire lay in the center, and there was a small pile of dried wood nearby. Shortly after his findings, there was a small fire burning and he was seated cross-legged on the floor, smoking. The absence of thought was comforting.


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