The Auld Woods

OoC: D8 Yours are so long....

Garnet huffed at the other female and flattened her ears back defensively. She regarded the other who seemed to just want her to leave, and for a second, the coyote hybrid considered doing just that. However, her pride wouldn’t let her just back down from this other, that would be like showing a weakness. Garnet raised her tail slightly before speaking. ”I don’t want anything; no need to get your fur in a twist.” She snorted and stamped a foot as if that made her point. The coyote lowered her tail back to neutral and let her ears relax. She didn’t want to start a fight if there was no need to fight; it would only waste energy. Garnet wasn’t trying to make enemies with anyone, especially with someone from, she sniffed, Dahlia de Mai. While she hadn’t been directly involved with the war, she knew that there was no doubt still tension between the two groups.

But, that wasn’t her problem. If this other female wanted a fight, Garnet would defend herself, no doubt about that. Still, she could avoid any possibility of a fight and simply walk away. That was all she had to do; turn and walk away. But, the coyote’s unusually long legs remained firmly planted on the ground near the stream. She wasn’t planning on going anywhere, at least right now. The black female let out a small sigh. ”Look, I understand if you hate my guts or whatever. I don’t want to fight you. If you have a problem with talking to a coyote, I’ll leave.” There, she had put it out into the open. Now it was up to the wolf as to what happened.


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