open your eyes

The voice was Sankor’s. The word he spoke were those of her brother, and Adelaida broke into a quick run and rushed at the male, her tail wagging for the first time in months. Despite his obvious concern at her appearance, Adelaida was overjoyed to see him. Sankor would fix everything, she was sure of it. The soft murmur of her name, so sorrowful from Sankor’s lips, sounded so sweet to the wolf, and though she was too happy to see the male once more and did not wish to think of her injuries or how they had happened, her brother did deserve an explanation. Sankor! Don’t worry... they are worse than they look, now at least. I had an unfortunate fun in with some coyotes... shifters actually... And it’s not been the first. These lands aren’t like they were when you left them.

Indeed, so much had changed, and Adelaida wanted to pour everything out to the male. She didn’t quite know where to start, there was so much to tell. Their birth den, now in the control of a pack Crimson Dreams, formally in the territory of Twilight Vale, the clan of coyotes that had taken up residence in the waste (where Katanka had forbidden them to play as children), the strange shifters and the wolves that migrated from Europe with them... there was so much. Yet Adelaida could only think of the one aspect that bothered her most: Alexey. Sankor would want to know that his other sister was alive and well at any rate. Alexey came back too. She... ah well, she had taken up residence in a pack, Dahlia de some such, but her and I aren’t on the best of terms... we can go see her though... when you want. Or you can. Adelaida would follow her brother if he wished it, but she did not look forward to another showdown with Alexey.


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