the edge of the world
The bicolored male had spent the past few days alongside his siblings and getting to know the lands once more where they'd grown up in, but as of today he'd decided to move out his explorations across the lands. He'd gone to the very place his parents had basically forbidden the litter from adventuring. Now though he was all grown up and there wasn't a parent in sight, or even a sister today. Normally he'd have had someone tagging along behind him but somehow he'd managed to find his way to the old forbidden wastelands without any trouble. He'd skirted the clan's lands and really hadn't bothered to even ponder on the creatures that lived that. A smile on his face as he inhaled deeply, the scent of the ocean in his nose as the sand nothing stretched out forever.

Shaking the morning dew from his pelt the boy strolled along the edge of the Wastes and towards the bay. He didn't see much of interest in the lands and wondered just why his parents had every thought these lands dangerous. He'd been walking for miles and not a damn thing had bothered him. Perhaps it was something backin the day.. or maybe he hadn't gone far enough. The thought kept ticking in the back of his mind as paw by paw he walked on casually.

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