momma I'm so afraid
Iskata had heard the voice on the air but she'd been half asleep and had just curled back up and fallen back into dreams. The second voice on the winds made her lift her head and rub the sleep from her eyes before stretching and yawning. A swift kick from the monster within her womb and she laughed softly, rubbing her tummy and crawling out of the bed she'd turned into a soft nest. She knew that Deuce had called out to her about family here to visit but she wasn't exactly certain she'd heard right. Stretching once more she sighed softly and moved out of the bedroom.

Padding on soft paws through the cottage and out onto the red dirt road she wondered just what it was that Deuce had called her for, but as she waddled her way down the dirt track she soon found out just what it was. The figures of Davini and Deuce were apparent on the road but the scents and sights of two other smaller figures confused her. She moved slowly but surely towards the gathering, her eyes moving from Deuce to DaVinci as she raised a brow before turning her face back to Deuce for some sort of explaination as to why she'd called for her over DaVinci. Normally he just announced he was there and went on his way to finding the Matriarch if it was important. She smiled and asked. "Well?" She was fit to be tied as to the two hiding in the background but she knew the answer would come.. though in the pit of her stomach she thought she already knew..

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