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I've been to places never seen

::OOC:: yaaaaaaaaaaay 'ceptance!

you've never thought of them until now

Once inside, the smell of old and new washed over her and Nefertiti cocked her head. The sweet perfume of luperci wafted her direction and her tail wagged at the idea. Hopefully she would be integrated into this pack life with ease, she would get better at shifting (how she was so lucky as to not shift yet was beyond her, but she took luck when she could) and make herself somewhat useful. Her blue eyes followed up the stairs as Savina explained the livinig conditions and smiled at the thought. A warm place sheltered from the elements - a strange mix of wolf and man.

The kitchen was a curious place, with devices Nefertiti had never even lain eyes on before. She wanted to go over and nose at them, or in a form that actually had working digits poke them. That could be saved for later. She wanted to see what they all did, and why they were needed. Maybe Savina would know - something she could ask after the tour. Business first she had to remind herself, and then play with the strange stuff later. And she was walking into a world of puppies, that was exciting all over again. She hadn't been around puppies in over a year and their playful nature was rather intoxicating.

Nefertiti followed Savina out into the main room, still looking around and taking everything in and almost walked into Savina as the wolfess sat down. Her blue eyes lit on her form and Nefertiti sat down with a loud plop and a surprised look on her face before she tried to cover it up.

She felt rather...speechless for a moment at the sheer open and willingness to have her part of the pack. Her tail lost all sense of direction and began to wag every which way and her eyes lit up. "I - would be an honor to have a family again," she replied finally with a grin.


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