To explore the unknown

"I...well, okay." She accepted the first part of what he said with some curiousity. She wanted to be defensive, to not let him know what she was thinking, but Naniko was usually unable to achieve such things. Her emotions were all over the place, open for everyone to see most of the time. And she couldn't help but be curious about this stranger--he was peculiar, and the things he was saying were strange, too. "You used to live here?" It was then that she heard something from behind her, and several things happened at once. She was preparing to go back to see what was going on with the pups, (was there another stranger in the area that she hadn't smelled?!) but she couldn't leave this wolf here. She turned halfway, looking between the two.

Then she could see that Jazper was there, standing near the bush that the pups had been hiding near. "I...uhm...I'm Naniko." She was still a little worried about Brooklyn and Mati, and fought the urge to go back to them. They were with Jazper--they were fine. She was just turning back to talk to Sankor again when she felt a nudge against her back, a small nose digging into her fur. "Mommyyyyyyyyyyyy. Ode yelleded!! he yellded and you said to be quiettttt and stay there!!! and unky Jazzy is dere too" Naniko looked back to Sankor, watching him carefully. If he made a move toward them, she would act defensively. At the same time she kept a careful paw on Mati. How had the little one been able to elude Jazper? She was the same color as the dirt beneath their feet...maybe she'd been camoflauged.

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