sing the sorrow

"Oh, you quit that. Don't think that I don't see what you're doing, Brook...." She put a paw between the two pups, scooting them apart. They sat outside the cave in the sunlight, Naniko sitting with two of the three triplets. Brooklyn was always up to something, and she had to keep an almost constant watch on her. She'd either be getting into fights with the other pups, doing something dangerous, or convincing one of the other pups to do something dangerous instead. It was hard work keeping an eye on her.

The white, blue-eyed pup looked back up at Naniko, then turned away from her sister, who she had been hassling. Brooklyn and Mati were the two who always seemed to be fighting, worse than Salem and Haven combined. Naniko yawned, flopping over onto her side, her job done. Mati had moved away from her sister, sitting over near Haven instead, where she was more welcomed. Her brother licked at her ear a little then settled back down, putting his head on the ground. Today was a lazy day, one where they wouldn't do much of anything. Anu was out, so Naniko was babysitting this time. Brooklyn wandered a little ways away, but not out of view, sniffing around at different plants, while Salem curled his black body up to Naniko's side.

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