i tasted blood

Went ahead and titled you, but we can continue this. Big Grin

He knew he was probably making her uncomfortable with his lack of tone or expression; he needed to put forth more effort because if he was going to do something at all, he should at least be trying a little, right? So what if he had never wanted it? He hadn't left and he hadn't died and so he was still doing it -- so do it better, you worthless idiot. If you want to tell me, I'll listen, he offered with a somewhat forced smile though it might have counted as being genuine, Some people just don't like sharing and I don't think it matters much in the end. Because if pasts were everything, then he would have and be nothing. Besides, most people looking for a new place to stay were also looking for a new start -- why force them to recall what they were likely running away from?

Everyone has their own set of skills, he continued, And I'm sure they're useful in one way or another. Laruku himself had nothing spectacular to offer anyway -- he was an average hunter, swift, but without great endurance; he had come out of a lot of fights alive, but he would consider many of them to be flukes, especially the one that had only left the scars across his throat. He could read and write words and music, but rarely did so anymore. Nothing special in either case. I think the most important thing you could offer is caring and if you have it, then you'll stay. Everyone else left, but that was okay too. Sometimes leaving was a part of caring. So then there wasn't really a "most important" thing, really.


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