looking through a telescope

Although Savina reassured her that Alexey was indeed alright, she also confirmed what Adelaida feared. Inferni. It seemed that the Koios family was making themselves an enemy, and a very dangerous one at that. In Adelaida’s mind she could hear her mother’s voice Turn from the fire before it scorches your coat. and that of her father’s If you don’t extinguish the fire, it will consume the whole forest Ade.. Yet her mother was miles away, staying by the grave that her father was buried beneath, and Adelaida had neither to look to for advice. Alexey and her had not truly spoken about the situation, the only words that they had exchanged were those of anger and passive aggressive insults toward one another. Guilt weighed heavily on the female, Alexey was the single most important wolf to her now, even if they were not speaking, and it was Ade’s fault if any wounds laid on that body. Shaking her head, Ade indicated she wished to speak no more on the subject.

Instead it was easier to focus on Sankor, but that subject too, she had little to speak on. Instead, Adelaida just nodded, smiled once at Savina’s comforting words, and continued on. It would have been a safer subject for the two wolves to continue speaking of family matters, but that was not what transpired. Instead, Adelaida couldn’t really help herself when she explained her prejudice, and after the words flew from her mouth unbidden, she laid her ears against her skull in anticipation of Savina’s reaction.

Adelaide watched as the eyes of the other widened as she made sense of Ade’s words, than then the warmth left them and the angry stare caused the anxiety to rise once again in Adelaida. Her breath quickened and her heart pounded and Adelaida rose to her feet as Savina did, her tail tucked neatly between her hind legs. She hadn’t meant to insult the female, but how could that be explained? Savina quickly excused herself and turned to go, and Adelaida was overcome with a incessant need to rectify the situation.

No... no... I... You don’t... The words jumbled themselves in Adelaida’s brain and got caught on her tongue as she tried to hurriedly spit them out before Savina retreated. Releasing a long, anxious whine Adelaida tried again. It’s not... I’m one too! I’m one of you. I’m the monster. Adelaida shrunk back from her own words, Alexey’s voice ringing in her memory. Her sister had called her so, not in regard to her shifting status but rather referring to Adelaida’s personality. The masked female knew that her sister had been correct in her assessment, despite how hurtful the words had been.


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