crisp walks

She listened to him speak with a tilt to her head, discovering now that she probably wouldn't get much about who he was if she continued to ask him. I haven't gotten bored, she said with a shrug, yet. She continued, face more serious then it had been before, but still holding a devious little edge to it as she couldn't exactly completely keep her playful nature at bay. You've probably grown bored of all of my questions though, she continued with a raised brow, falling silent for she couldn't help but look back at the dark patterns that seemed to accentuate his sharp and trimmed form, openly staring at every inch of him from his rope belt and up until her two toned eyes finally landed back on his face. With a quick and fleeting smile she decided she didn't really care one way or the other if he had grown bored of her question, and decidedly asked another. Maybe you wouldn't mind telling me what pack you are from? If you are in one that is.


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