we'll live the rest of our lives, but not together

If you want, was all he could say, shrugging. He had never really liked Iskata. He had hated her for a time, but that time and apathy had moved that to general indifference. He could tolerate her, but he wouldn't if he felt like he hadn't a choice. Laruku didn't know if Iskata even knew he had had a litter, but like so many other things, it simply didn't matter anymore. She would be shocked, perhaps, but she would get over it. Maybe she and Rachias would get along, maybe not. He didn't know and didn't think that mattered either.

Rachias's touch was a little bit startling, mostly because he had it ingrained in his head that the only reason anyone would have anymore to touch him was to kill him. He didn't deserve any other kind of touch. But he took her hand and stood because he had that one role to continue to pretend to be. He didn't have a pack to lead anymore, and so he didn't have to pretend to be a leader. But here was his daughter who wanted a father, so he had to do his best to fill a role he'd never really known. It was the only duty he had left, and though he didn't cling to it, the old obligation was still there. With one hand, he held hers, and with the other, he held her waist. His face might have softened, but it was as expressionless as ever. I've never danced anyone before, he told her, though he'd never danced alone either.


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