Eaten with Loneliness
Haha. :>


He read her thoughts easily enough. To her surprise he seemed to sympathize and understand her quarrel with inner demons and annoying self involved issues. Her chest rose and fell letting her heart slow down from the entire situation. He wasn't pointing a finger, nor denying what he saw. Somehow he managed to put ease to the embarrassment easy enough. She smiled genuinely when he tried to hand her the little whittled object, resembling a fish or some aquatic thing, and immediately began plucking the tiny daggers of wood out. They slid out with little effort and once the lot of them were removed she began licking away the blood, cleaning her pads, and hoping they wouldn't get too sore.

Every wolf I've met here is always in that two legged form. They do so many things that humans did, use their weapons, learn their skills. I haven't seen such things. I guess we're more primitive where I'm from. I like that piece you are working on though. Her old self filled her body. She stood shakily, the slow transition halted as she moved closer to the other wolf. Her dark red fur was falling in her eyes, extended past her shoulders and down her back in curly tendrils. She scratched her nose with a claw, smiling Thanks for not acting like what you saw didn't happen. I think I would have darted for the hills. She let a throaty laugh escape her mouth just before reaching out and hugging the male tightly, smelling his scent, and drawing away. My name is India. Sorry you had to see that though. I was remembering how my parents use to make me walk so as to get a mate and because it was tradition. It was just funny how all that I use to know doesn't apply now. It's why I went after the tree, that and I've been, well, alone for about three months or so now. A gusty wind blew up and tossed snow into the air. It reminded her of how much she hated the cold. It did make her paws go numb which made them ache less. Her fur was longer on two legs. It fell thick around her head and neck, down her back. She didn't understand other parts of the change, the breasts that formed, or how she even kept her balance. The white fur that went down her stomach was catching the snow and causing her to have to shake it out. She didn't want to be wet and cold. She grumbled to herself, continuing to wipe off the snow until she felt it was sufficiently done.

So you're a warrior. Is there a war going on? If not I guess you're on a break, huh? She smiled again, letting it go up to her eyes this time. She noted the scars down his frame. Mostly along his face, chest, and forearms. Some where thick and others long, just deep enough to scar. She let her claw run over the hidden scar under fur, on her right flank. The scar went deep and snaked around her leg. Her fur was long enough to cover it. She didn't like the idea of her beautiful coat being torn apart. The shadowy part of her mind beame eager at the sight of his scars, as if drawn to them. The shadow peered out of her eyes, calmly making her run claws over his scars. She pulled away letting the shadow tumbling back. It belong in nightmares and myths. She smiled nervously, hoping he didn't mind a bit of contact. She had been neglected it that the idea of personal bubble didn't really apply. She knew he probably noticed the shadow in her eyes. He was a warrior after all, and understood the fury only moments before. She feared he might take offense at that wild side peeking out and admiring such wounds of war.

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