lost companion
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When the male spoke, his words were polite and non-threatening—in fact, they could be considered amicable. The female smiled softly to him. She always appreciated civility, and she was glad that the male was not one to bring mischief to the boarders. Cwmfen had no doubt that the experiences of the past would lend themselves to her should the situation become sanguine, but warriors while desiring it, always preferred not to be forced to use what they knew against other individuals. The black fae was thus relieved, and she wagged her tail in response to him.

"A sister you say?" As the alto voice faded on the cool air, the fae considered his explanation. She was still relatively new to Dahlia de Mai, but she had met all of the members at least once due to the pack meeting a few weeks prior. There had not been many members, but those who had been present seemed devoted to the pack. And, with there being so few members, it would not be difficult for her to recall a face and name for the male. "Perhaps with a name, I will be able to help you." The black fae’s smile was light hearted as she spoke with silver tones. She proceeded to recline upon her haunches, implying that she intended to stay and discuss this dilemma of the male, if not to converse. Today, she did not have much on her mind. She knew that after the meeting, she had wanted to meet with Slay to discuss the matter of group or partner hunting, as she intended to pursue such a co-rank. But she was unable to locate him, and having rested, she had found a snack and this male at the boarders. It was a rather pleasant day.

"Do not worry too much. I am certain that she is faring well..." Of course, she was not definite in her statement, but the welfare of those who had attended the meeting seemed well, and she would make the supposition that they would remain in fair condition. However, she knew that anything could happen in a day, and she hoped that this male would not be disappointed. She was glad, however, that the wolf opposite her seemed to care for his sister. Family ties were important to her. While she had no living family of her own (save for her father, the crow-wolf, whom hardly thought of her as a daughter so much as a female able to bear a child), she intended to compensate for that with the protecting and cherishing of this pack, if not with her own family...

The black female realized suddenly that neither wolf knew the other’s name. She laughed lightly to herself, a sound that was like the golden rain. "Forgive me for my discourtesy. My name is Cwmfen nic Graine." She smiled, but suddenly, the she wolf had become awkward. How else was she to illustrate this greeting? She had seen those in luperci form shake hands or hug. But how did those in lupus form greet each other. She herself had never found herself in a situation such as this before. The woad-marked fae tried to think back on the times she had encountered others, but such a greeting had been absent, it seemed. Perhaps there was no other greeting necessary. She smiled shyly at the male and tried to dismiss her own awkwardness and hoped that he was encouraged to do the same.


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