Just Another Ordinary Day
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As soon as his mother turned around, he beamed with pride at being able to surprise her. He was beginning to think that he was quick the little sneak. Would that be a skill that the pack would find useful when he was older? Maybe he could be a spy! That would be sooo cool! He would have to ask his mother about this possibility later however. There were much more interesting things at hand.

His short tail wagged and a big, goofy grin was plastered onto his maw. Haven lovingly rubbed up against her leg as he reached her, jade eyes looking up into her matching ones. "I followed you mommy! I was being sneakies! Isn' I goods at dat?" The boy puffed out his chest, always loving to impress his mother. "I didn' mean to scares you! I sorries!" As she mentioned a castle, his gaze turned to the gigantic black stone building. The pup's eyes grew even wider and his jaw dropped. "WOW!!!" He exclaimed. This thing was like, a bazilliion times bigger than even the mansion! "A ghosts? Reallys? Can I comes to?? Pwease mooom!" The last thing he wanted to miss out on was an adventure in the cool looking building!


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